Thursday, October 28, 2010

Lifelong Vitality

" The cells that fires together,works together." ~ Donald Hebb
In adaption from Anat Baniel 9 Essentials for lifelong vitality method

I was reading up on Move Into Life by Anat Baniel in search for further discovery and perhaps solutions in my journey to overcome pain while enhance my mental clarity in different aspect.
The simple steps of movements she uses where any ordinary people could just follow easily at ease yet provides a step to step guidance and exploration by our own is fascinating. By simple steps we could actually understand how slight movements make an impact towards our daily well-being. Listening to your body by figuring out what aches or pains that you encounter with or without certain exercise could tell you more about what obstacle you have to take away in order to have a progress from there.

Her paradoxical theory "Increasing your power by reducing force" enables us to increase our strength, flexibility and energy opening our senses to daily activities. Learning to Switch on our learning button and being aware of little changing of surrounding through having to pick up something different from stale routines or stagnated schedules.

Subtleties and Variation is what she believes could be self-transforming while working on a slow pace to luxuriate in the richness of experience and feelings garnered at present. Enthusiasm is also the key to turn the small into the great whereby goals set that seems merely possible could be flexible enough to make a breakthrough.

Let free our imagination and say yes to infinities!